Corporate Etiquette Programme “THE CORPORATE YOU”
1. General Attitude
Students/ delegates are introduced to the meaning of etiquette and protocol in an academic setting. To start the students/ delegates with a solid and understandable foundation, the trainer explains the definition of words used during the course as well as its historical references.
A logical and practical transition is then made into typical corporate environment. Trainer demonstrates the importance of having proper manners at work.
Topics under “THE CORPORATE YOU”:
- With your staff.
- With your superior
- With your peers
- With your clients.
- Compliments and criticism.
- Handling visits at the workplace and tips for hosting

General Attitude: Learning the meaning and the importance of “THE COMMUNICATION”. Specifically, how to represent their workplace at their best. They are their corporate/ workplace “AMBASSADORS”. This includes:
- Personal zone/ space.
- What are the elements which create the first impression and how to use them to make this first impression positive
- Awareness of what can ruin this first positive impression
- How to make the first impression a lasting positive impression/ your image.
- Guidelines into a proper physical appearance, “with initiation into the dress codes in general”..
- Initiation to cross cultural behavior at business through general guidelines
- Body language/ understanding of body language in specific culture
- Greetings in different culture
- Introduction, Handshaking, Precedence order/ Cross Cultural differences.
- Remembering names – mingling effectively
- Handling titles and form of address in different cultures/ formal titles
- Business card protocol Do’s and Don’ts.
- Verbal communication includes conversation and listening skills
- Conversation skills in different culture.

2. Correspondence
3. Table Manners
This course covers proper behavior in a business meal setting and creates the awareness of the importance of table manners since history.
- Posture at the table and napkin etiquette.
- The importance of the setting
- Step-by-step knowing how to use the table wares
- Dealing with table codes
- Tips on how to eat difficult food
- Conversation
- When to start and finish eating
- Do’s and Don’ts
- Managing mishaps

4. Entertaining for Business
Trainees learn the protocol of preparing a proper invitation and organization of a corporate event. The course covers important topics such as:
- Introduction to different kinds of invitation
- Entertaining at a restaurant
- Being the host/ Being the guest
- Cocktail parties
- Formal Sit down dinner
- Seating arrangement
- Service rules
- The spouses role (a special 4 hour course for executives wives can be offered in which they will learn on how to prepare their invitations with all the details such as form of invitation formal or informal, guest lists, written invitation with initiation to correspondence etc… )
5. Dealing with customers
- Earning customer trust
- How to improve your position with the customer
- Impact of poor service/ loyalty
- Maintaining and Improving customer service
- Tips for advertising
- Powerful words in communicating with your customer
- Business owners important decision
- Training retails employees.

Meeting Etiquette
How to conduct a successful meeting
- Planning a meeting
- Different type of meetings
- Setting the rooms
- Agenda
- The right seating arrangement
- The day and the hour before the meeting
- How to start and end the meeting
- Sample of meeting plans/agenda’s minutes
- Meeting room check list
- Boardroom etiquette
- Dos and don’ts
How to conduct a successful meeting
- How to properly prepare an oral presentation
- The speaker
- The gesture/ The stress/ The D day
- Know your audience
- Make smooth transition
- Dos and don’ts
- Making your presentation alive
- Mastering Q&A
- Build suspense
- The visual aids
- Wake them up and use fun
- Quiz/ fill in the blanks